Sunday, August 26, 2007

Start of Semester Prayer Requests

We have finished the week of marathon meetings and are now getting ready for the students to arrive next weekend. We are busy with everything from preparing the dorms, formulating advising sheets for the new curriculum, making final decisions on accepting students (as the late ones work feverishly to get all their application materials in) to getting class material ready. We always are strained from too few staff (how many times last week did we explain the necessity to do put too few pegs in too many holes?), but this year some unexpected losses and furloughs have made us extra thin staffed despite new teachers and staff on Guam. We know that the Lord always provides for the need and he certainly has supplied above and beyond with the students, so we are expecting him to bring in the staff an d resources we need. One of our jobs is to pray for this so here are some prayer requests to start off the semester.

  1. Steve and Anne Stinnette, our Guam Campus Director will be leaving at the end of September for eye surgery. Pray for God's direction and care for this and for Jens Schulz who will take the Guam Campus Director job in addition to being the chief financial officer for the school.
  2. My class. I will be teaching Survey of Prophetic Literature this Fall at three sites - Guam, Palau and Chuuk. The class will consist of 6 2 1/2 hour sessions at each site and the rest will be done by email, web page and computer chat. I will be heading to Chuuk Friday to start the intensive sessions there. I'll be in Palau later in September, The Guam sessions will be done on Thursday nights.
  3. Here are some of our biggest personnel needs...
    1. Guam Campus Director
    2. Teaching Coordinator for our Yap facility
    3. 2 Bible-Theology teachers for Chuuk
    4. English teacher for Chuuk
    5. Computer services (IT) person
  4. Pray for Joyce as she works with her kindergarteners in the morning that she will be able to minister Christ's love to them and their families and in the afternoon, as she works at PIBC that she will be able to help us get the resources we need in the community.
  5. Pray that we can balance work, ministry and personal relationships.
We do appreciate all your prayers. We could not do anything eternally valuable without them.

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