One of the issues about which we encourage students regularly is the importance of the Micronesian churches sending missionaries outside of Micronesia. There are already some Micronesian missionaries serving as long term missionaries in other places, such as PIBC graduate Billy Edwin who is serving in Tanzania. There are several current PIBC students and alumni who think they are called to missionary service. However, up to now there has been no organized Micronesian missionary society to organize, train and send out Micronesians into the world. This is why I was so excited about the meeting that took place on our next to last day in Palau. After the PIBC board meeting, representatives of the three Micronesian evangelical churches in Chuuk, Palau and Yap and representatives from Liebenzell Mission USA and Germany and PIBC got together to explore how all these groups could cooperate to do ministry within and outside of Micronesia. I believe PIBC can be the catalyst, since we bring together people from all the Micronesian churches, for this kind of cooperation. One important outcome of the meeting was the commitment to pursue more cooperation by the various islands churches. The second was the idea to form a Liebenzell Mission Micronesia in which the three island evangelical churches would work with Liebenzell Mission International to become a missionary sending agency. What an appropriate way to celebrate the entrance of the Gospel into Palau - to resolve and make plans to take the Gospel to other places. Please pray for the organization and planning of this effort and for the Micronesian missionaries that God will raise up to take His Word to others who need it.
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