The subject of today's chapel, handled very well today by
PIBC faculty member and fellow
Liebenzell USA missionary
Ned Farnsworth, was community. He talked about, assisted by several students and staff members, how PIBC, like the church, is a group of diverse people drawn together by our relationship with Christ. We then demonstrated that community by taking an offering to contribute to financially needy students. We also talked about our newly formed community groups. This year on the Guam campus, instead of having 4 1/2 hour chapels per week, we will have two 1-hour chapels every week and meet together sometime during the week with our small group. Joyce and I, along with the
Boydston's will be leading one of these groups. We are looking forward to that.

We also enjoyed community at the
annual Lutheran Church of Guam- PIBC sports challenge on Sunday on the campus. We competed in basketball (I played some basketball - notice how high I am flying here as I play defense), volleyball and tug-of-war. This year the PIBC team took home the trophy. We also enjoyed eating, fellowshipping and just hanging out together. Even though it was a hot afternoon and evening a good time was had by all. I also enjoyed teaching on Cults at the Lutheran Church of Guam on Sunday morning. I will be teaching there three more weeks in the adult Sunday school class. We at PIBC appreciate very much the support and friendship of the people at
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flying...or standing :)
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