Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Board Meeting Day #1

This past week we just completed the annual PIBC board of trustees meeting. This year it was held at the Guam United Methodist Church which is just a short drive down Route 15 (the back road to Andersen Air Force Base) from our campus. Our business manager Cheryl Boydston is the secretary there and Fred Agtarap, their pastor is an adjunct teacher in our seminary. The first day of the meeting was mainly discussion of the school's vision and a time to get hold of the big picture. Probably the most important item of business for the first day was the installation of Mary Johnson as a new board member (pictured left). Mary was our English teacher and Academic VP before she took a job with her denomination (the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) and is the wife of the local ELCA church pastor Jeff Johnson. The Guam Lutheran Church has been a very solid supporter of PIBC since the Johnsons arrived about 5 years ago. I am very excited to have Mary on board as a board member. She has a great deal of educational expertise and experience which will be of great benefit to the school. It will also be nice to have another local person on our executive committee for me to go to for advice and bounce ideas off of.

The first day ended with a board, staff, faculty and student bbq on the campus basketball court. Our dean of men, Hiob Ngirachemoi, and several students bbq'd the ribs and chicken and, along with the red rice, potato salad, ice cream and cookies we had an island feast. Each of the board members were introduced, students shared songs and testimonies and we all got a couple hours to relax, meet and greet. It was also nice that the rain held off until well after the program was over.

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