Friday, December 09, 2011

Some Pictures from the PIU Thanksgiving Feast

It has been a busy last couple of weeks here at PIU with many visitors, getting caught up after four weeks away from Guam, and our normal end of the semester activities. This is why I am just now getting to posting my Thanksgiving pictures. It was nice to return to Guam and have a four-day weekend to get rested up before we hit the home stretch for the end of the semester. We were very thankful this semester to get so much of the dinner donated by local businesses and, of course, the faculty and staff chipped in with their favorite dishes and tastiest desserts.


Students and campus kids prepare decorations while Joyce, Vivian and Rob get the food ready.

Everybody had a chance to eat all they wanted with a lot left over. We are blessed people

Every year it seems there is a new baby at the Thanksgiving celebration. Serenity was the baby last year. Baby Gwen (daughter of PIU administrator Nino Pate and Glenda) is this year’s new baby, held here by Lisa Collins, PIU librarian.

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