Saturday, March 12, 2011

February Events - 2011 PIU Annual Board Meeting

I have been very busy lately so, again, I am a little behind with my blog posting. I will be making a few posts today about some important things that happened in the last couple weeks. One very important event, and one that kept us very busy, was the 2011 annual Board of Trustees meeting for Pacific Islands University. It is hard for me to believe that this was my 9th annual board meeting as president of the school. This year we were very excited to welcome a new board member, David Mayer, from North Carolina and to welcome the members of our new advisory board. The meeting took place at Agana Heights Baptist Church (above right) February 23 to 25. I felt like this was one of our most productive board meetings during my time as president of the school and I am very excited about the direction we, as a school, are headed.

One of the key issues of discussion was the long-range plan for our facilities. With the approval of our accreditor, TRACS, and the US Department of Education of our new Bachelor's and Associates degrees in liberal studies, which will be offered for the first time in the Fall of this year, we expect a steady increase in our student body over the next few years. We cannot expand on our current property because of new Environmental Protection Agency regulations so we are looking for another way to expand. Our board and administration is now looking for 1) an already constructed property that will meet our needs to updgrade our facilitty and accomodate up to 400 students or 2) a property that we can build to meet our specific needs. Either way we will need to raise about 5 million dollars over the next 3-5 years to meet this goal. We would appreciate your prayers as we look for God's direction on this.

The PIU Board of Trustees consists of David Mayer, Martin Auch - Global Director Liebenzell Mission International,  Bill Schuit, Global Director Liebenzell Mission USA, Mary Johnson - Guam, me in the middle, Marcellus Ngiraingas - Palauan Evangelical Church, Harald Gorges - Micronesia Area Director Liebenzell Mission, Vincent Parren - Yap Evangelical Church. Howard Merrell is not pictured. He joined the meeting this year from Virginia by Skype. 

Our administrative council: Eric Sorenson, Seminary Dean; Lisa Collins, Director of Libraries; Me; Melody Plaxton, Academic VP; Rob Watt, Student Life VP; Celia Atoigue, COO, Steve Stinnette, VP Advancement; Samantha Owen, Administrative Assistant to the President; JC Yoon, Academic Dean and Nino Pate, Director of Institutional Effectiveness. 

And here is everybody together. We are very blessed to have such a great group of people in leadership at PIU.

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