This past week we at PIU have been celebrating National Library Week. Starting on Monday with an “Obstacle Race,” each day of the week featured a special event designed to raise awareness on campus and in the community, about the resources available in the PIU library. PIU not only has the largest and most diverse theological library in the region, but we also have
an extensive collection of family and children’s literature including a large selection of Sunday School and other Bible teaching curriculum available to churches and individuals in the community. Non-students can become “Friends of the Library” for a very small annual fee and receive the same library use privileges as our PIU students.
The Library week events this year were planned by our student library workers, and included, besides the obstacle race, a treasure hunt, puppet show, a read aloud hour, and two movie nights. There were several door prizes and it seemed like everyone had fun. Our Head Librarian, Lisa Collins, guaranteed that nobody would be “sshhhh’d.” The pictures here are of the puppet show which seemed to be a very contemporary version of the story of King David.
The door prize winners show off their winnings. Yes, with these big afros on campus I feel like it is 1973 all over again.
Stella (left) kept close supervision over the library activities to make sure that, despite the fun everyone was having, the library was still quite conducive for studying. The next big event in the library will be the “Turabian Nights” workshop where you can learn the anatomy of a citation, information for a bibliography, footnotes and how to do it in Open Office. Bring in your books, resource list, and papers and get individual help.
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