My life “Mission Verse” is Ezra 7.10, I believe God has given me a ministry of teaching the Bible wherever I go, in a way that relates it to the people around me, whoever they are. So I will share here what is going in my head, my life, my family, my challenges, my trials, my heart etc. I’ll try my best to do it openly and honestly and to share what God is saying to me through his word and all the other things in my life without holding anything back.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Happy New Year 2007!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Updated PIBC Web Sites

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Christmas Vacation

Sunday, December 24, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Christmas Vacation Begins

We will finish up a little Christmas shopping today. Yesterday we went to the Christmas program at Little Lambs pre-school.

Thank you for praying for our situation with the Chuuk State Scholarship. The Chuuk officials have told that the money was redeposited into the account and we have redeposited the checks. Please pray that everything works out and the students get their much-needed funds.
Merry Christmas
Monday, December 18, 2006
Two Prayer Requests
1. We just received notice from our bank that all the checks from the Chuuk State scholarship fund bounced. Basically, this removes over $20,000 from our Guam campus account and places a great hardship on our Chuukese students who were counting on that money to make ends meet, including some who were hoping to use their refund to pay their airfare to Yap for the missions trip (See below). Pray that we can work this out (several students have already received refunds from PIBC and spent the money for personal needs) and that somehow Chuuk can find what happened to the money and fix the situation.
2. 10 students and 3 staff members will leave for Yap tomorrow to do ministry with youth and children there and help the Yap church with Christmas ministry. Pray for them that God will use them in a big way and that people will understand and respond as the Gospel is preached. Also pray that the group will be an encouragement to the Yap Evangelical Church and that this will be a "stretching" experience for all the students involved. Also pray that they will be able to raise the additonal $750 needed for the trip.
I promise pictures with the next post!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Last Day of the Semester

Of course the bad side to all this is saying goodbye to the students as they leave for the holidays. Most of them are coming back, but two have finished their programs. Philemon Ngirakel has been at PIBC for five years and we have enjoyed his positive attitude and ever-present willingness to help. He went back to Yap yesterday afternoon where he will work with Asael Ruda in the Yap Evangelical Church. Jafflyn Poll (pic above) transferred to the Guam campus from the Chuuk campus a couple years ago and has been a real leader among the students. It would not surprise me if she is the governor of Chuuk some day. We will miss them both, but will get to see them

Prayer Update: Thank you for praying for the revision to our grant proposal. It was approved this week. Praise God! We can now go out and get the equipment we need to really run our distance education program.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Fall Semester Prayerful Review

The growing openness among the students to share their heart issues with us and trust us to help them.
The great unified team spirit among the faculty and staff.
The successful launching of our distance education program. Students from
God’s wonderful provision of a new dorm room and kitchen dining room (Quik space cargo container conversions), dorm furniture (from a sale at the Hilton), and other assorted physical needs being met at very low cost to us.
Provision for the financial needs of the students, especially the recent reception of the
1. For good rest for students, staff and faculty over the Christmas break.
2. For the student mission trip to
3. For the acceptance of the revision of the “scope of work” list for our distance education grant from the USDA. This would provide all the equipment we need to make all of our sites into distance learning centers. This would be the first step in our plan to have a center in every island group for Bible and ministry training.
4. Many of our students struggle with family issues, addictive behaviors and other such problems. We will be starting counseling/accountability/encouragement groups on the
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Here is how I define "Guambiance." Guambiance is the atmosphere that produces the feeling on Guam that "this seems very familiar, but there is something different here." It is produced by the influence of the traditional American/European celebrations with the added influences of Chammorro, Filipino, Micronesian and other Asian and Micronesian cultures. It somehow makes the parts of the celebration that should be out of place on a tropical island seem to fit in perfectly.
I guess the best way to define it is to describe it. Guambiance is ....
Going to get your Christmas tree after an afternoon at the beach, still wearing your swimming stuff...
Hearing familiar Christmas carols in unfamiliar languages...
BBQing your Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner....
Turning up the aircon "so it feels like Christmas."
Riding on a Christmas Carabao ...
Explaining to the procession in your neighborhood that you do not want to "kiss the nino" because you are not Roman Catholic, but giving candy canes to the kids in the procession...
Seeing "sponsored by Miller Lite" signs in people's home Christmas displays...
I could go on and on but you get the picture. It's different, but we love it and would not want to celebrate Christmas any differently (except we'd like to have all our family with us). Please pray with us that more people here will really get to know the Jesus they celebrate this season.