We had a pretty busy weekend, with fairly typical activities. On Friday night, we had a fellowship time with a group of Germans on their way back through Guam who had been visiting Chuuk in honor of the 100 year anniversary of the founding of the church there. We had a great time of testimonies, singing, food and fun. We will usually take any excuse to have a bbq. One game we played was "which tool do you use to open a coconut?"

None of our three American and German contestants picked the right tool. Which do you think it is? (answer at the bottom of the post)

Saturday Joyce spent the whole day at a Red Cross CPR training for her pre-school. She saw a lot of people she knew there and learned a lot but it was a long day. Dave went to the PIBC basketball game in the morning (we got whipped by about 30) and then spent the rest of the day getting caught up on correcting papers and other class preparation. We did get to spend Saturday evening out to dinner for a bit of relaxation.
On Sunday, Dave spoke at the Palaun Evangelical Church of Guam on Ephesians 2:11-22. It was good to see a lot of our old Palauan friends (and the German group showed up to sing a hymn in German). It was a good illustration of what Ephesians 2:11-22 is all about. After church we went out to lunch with several of our ex-Emmaus students. We spent a lot of time reminiscing about old times, especially basketball games with the pastor of the Guam PEC, Andrew Immanuel who graduated from Emmaus in 1988, John Aitaro, current PIBC student and Bill Mira who graduated from Emmaus in 1990.

Finally, on Sunday night we enjoyed our PIBC staff prayer and potluck (now you know why it is so hard to lose weight on Guam!). We said good bye to the German group and had a good time of prayer for the needs of the school and ministry work throughout the islands. It is so great to work with a group that is committed to God's work and really loves each other. (The correct tool is the small rock - Jonathan, a Chuukese student, opened the coconut with it in about 5 seconds.)