Later in the afternoon. after the service at Faith Church, we headed over to Lisa and Joe Collins' house for a surprise party for Ben Boudreault, my nephew, to celebrate his passing the contractors' licensing test. Ben came out to PIU last Spring as a short-term volunteer and decided to come back as a student for the Fall semester. Ben also works as a half-time maintenance man. Joyce and Lisa planned the dinner and party to celebrate Ben's success and he was very surprised. I think he especially enjoyed the "Ben the Builder - Yes He Can" sign
Several of our PIU facullty and staff showed up for the celebration. Eli and Zach Collins (left) welcomed Ben along with Mike, Sam and family to their house. On the right Mary Lou, Samantha, Ben and I enjoy some Polish hot dogs and pasta salad together.

(left) The ladies, Sarah, Jen, Sam and Lisa, enjoy some conversation in the living room. Mike and Pastor Jeff Johnson also had some time to visit.

Of course, everyone wanted to hold, or have their picture taken with, Serenity. On the left Joyce, Miri Collins and Serenity pose for a picture and on the right Serenity and her mom give us a smile

and here are a couple more of Serenity at the party...