Thursday, April 17, 2008

Palau #2

It is always great to see my former students (Emmaus from the 1980's and PIBC from the 1990's-present) when I am in Palau. Several of my former Emmaus students attended the deacons workshop and I was able to get caught up with them. I also had a chance to have lunch one day with Eddie Ngiratrang (Emmaus 1988) and Merong Hideoshi (PIBC 2007). Both of them are in active leadership roles in the Palau Evangelical Church. Eddie is an administrator at Palau High School and Merong plans to teach in the Palau public school system next Fall. I also listened a bit to Hedrick Kual's (PIBC 2005) teaching (pictured) in the Deacons workshop and heard him preach Sunday morning (in Palauan so I didn't get too much of it) in the Koror Church. Please pray for Hedrick as he is making some decisions about his continuing education. On Tuesday, I had the opportunity to talk with Daisy Ulitch (PIBC 2004) who is now the principal of Bethania girls' high school. (More on that in a later post)

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