
was the the staff and faculty work day on the Guam campus to prepare for the official beginning of the new semester next Saturday. Several of the students that are already on campus worked hard today too. Several members of the Palauan Evangelical Church of Guam also helped. Now the flower beds are weeded (Above Left) and the summer growth is cleared away. Bill Wood and several of the students extended the walkway in front of the classroom to

accommodate a handicapped accessible parking place (Upper right). The school provided coffee, donuts and sodas. I was not allowed into the construction projects or flower beds so I was the drink distributor and helped man a wheelbarrow and hauled away the weeds and other various forms of unwanted plants. At 10.00 our school team had a basketball game in the Guam church league. Most of our students are not here yet, but we scrounged together a team (I even played for about 12 minutes of game time to give the guys some rest). We came up short 85-64 but we had a lot of fun.

We are also working on preparing our classes and students. This year we instituted a pre-semester intensive study skills class for new students taught by Melody Plaxton. 8 students are taking advantage of this opportunity this year. We are also preparing our classes for the coming semester. I am almost finished with my syllabus for my Basic Exegesis and Interpretation class. Larry and Sharon Bock, new staff who are staying at our house are also busy. Below, Larry is pictured below hard at work preparing his two classes and Sharon is getting oriented in the office where she will be working. We are thankful for God's provision of new staff and we are still praying for more. Email me if you are interested to help us "build servant leaders" for the Pacific Islands!

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