Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

SAMSUNGHappy New Year from Guam! Joyce and I have been enjoying the holidays. Even though we are so far from all our family, we have enjoyed having our PIU family over for game nights and fun times and going out with friends. We have also enjoyed the time to do some serious relaxation. It has been very nice to have some days to just lay around at home and read novels. I even took a whole week off from blog posts and answering e-mail. I am now back in the office and getting ready for the upcoming semester and Saturday’s Bible Run. It is not too late to sign up. I plan to keep the blog going for 2013, keeping everyone up to date on what is happening in our lives and in the ministry at PIU. I am also hoping to have time to add in some biblical and theological commentary occasionally. For now, here are a few random pictures from 2012 that somehow did not make it on to the blog yet…


We had our PIU co-workers over for Christmas dinner and game nights during vacation. Joyce, Pete, Daisy and Sarah enjoyed the Christmas dinner. The picture on the right is proof that I did not get cheated out of any of the important Christmas food groups.


We appreciate the students helping out. When the refrigerator at our house gave out (after 13 years) some of the guys came over to help Joyce install the new one. The girls helped Joyce with Christmas decorating.


Serenity and Courage got their faces painted before Christmas vacation

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And then posed for some cool pictures


No, we did not get a new dog. But Joyce went with Sarah and Daisy to the animal shelter to get their new dog. Samson spent a couple days with us while he was getting used to his new situation.

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