Another PIU tradition is that the last chapel of the Spring semester is run by the 4th and 5th year students, and features the soon-to-be graduating class. This year with only 6 graduates (only 4 of whom are on
campus right now) each of the graduates had some time to share what God is doing in their lives. This chapel is always one of my favorites because hearing about the students’ journeys through the last few years reminds me of why we are here. It is always encouraging to hear that God worked through the school so profoundly in these students’ lives. The members of this year’s graduating class are Josh Combs and Jermeia Sound (not pictured here because they finished their classes in December) and Mike Ihpa, Daisy Murdock, Kita Mokut and Davy Welle.
Daisy, (right) told us about how she came to PIU. She was in Palau for a mission trip in 2008 and met a PIU student there who told her she needed to come to PIU. That was not her plan but God had a different plan. She did come to PIU and, as a student, has been in charge of Student Life in the women’s dorm. She told the students that she wanted her life to be about “bearing fruit for God” and that finally after 16 years she is getting her bachelor’s degree. Kita Mokut will be our very first Bachelors degree graduate in liberal studies. She shared that her “next step in life will be a big one” She plans to spend the next couple years as a school teacher in Chuuk. She is thankful that PIU prepared and matured her for this next step.
Mike Ihpa, left talked about how his PIU experience
provided him with friends from many different cultures and he is very thankful that he was able to learn from them. Mike plans to be involved in church work after graduation. In fact Mike is already deeply involved in working with Micronesian youth in the Kingdom Seekers and other church and sports activities. Mike also apologized for playing on these other youth teams and defeating the PIU team in several basketball tournaments. Davy Welle said that the most important thing he learned at PIU was to recognize his tendency to be upset when others get grace but still want it for himself. He sees the need for the Spirit to help him give that same grace by being slow to speak but quick to hear. Davy hopes to enroll in the PIU seminary next semester and continue toward his goal of being a pastor.
We had a couple other activities during the chapel. The whole group sang “Happy Birthday” to Courage much to her embarrassment. We also introduced our Student Body officers for next year.
Speeches were made by the new officers President Grace, VP Scott (left), Secretary Jonie and Treasurer Sophie.
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