I made my first trip to Pohnpei last week. It is a very beautiful island. (This picture was taken from my hotel room). With the broad leaf trees and the way everything is so spread out, it reminds me more of Hawaii than the other Micronesian islands do. I didn't have a lot of time to look at scenery as Yosta Lodge, our Chuuk campus director, and I were involved in some youth meetings over the weekend and we had several meetings to explore the possibility of an articulation agreement with the College of Micronesia and placing a new teaching facility in Pohnpei. Yosta was the main speaker for the youth meeting and I was the Sunday morning speaker. They divide their youth into four teams (see the orange team below) and they compete with skits and choirs. They even have a

song-writing competition. I wish I could have made a good sound recording. All the choirs were excellent. It was also very encouraging to me to see that PIBC graduates were involved in many leadership positions in the church there. Their hospitality was also great, but bad for my diet. :)
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