Monday, April 30, 2007

Owen Prayer Requests 4/30-5/6

We had an enjoyable prayer meeting last night. (See picture at left) Along with a lot of food we had a great time of fellowship, singing, prayer and a lot of laughs. We found out that PIBC was featured on the Comedy Central Show (without our knowledge) The Colbert Report. You can access the video from our web site at We are not sure whether to feel amused, confused or abused, but mostly we are laughing and shaking our heads.
We are now down to our last two weeks of school so here are our prayer requests for this week....
  1. The students at all sites are trying to get everything turned in and study for finals. Those that have procrastinated are beginning to pay the price. My distance ed students in Palau and Yap are behind because of some internet problems. Please pray that they can get everything done.
  2. We have a lot to do to get ready for our summer furlough. I think I need to be in about 3 places at the same time. We also still have a few open spots in our schedule.
  3. Michael and Samantha are planning to study at Talbot Seminary this coming Fall. Pray for their transition and that God would supply the funds.
  4. We have some urgent personnel needs at PIBC for next semester including Bible teachers, English teachers and a maintenance man for our Chuuk campus. We also have several teachers raising support to come. Please pray that they will make it because we are counting on them.
We do appreciate your prayers.

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