Yesterday we held our annual "Kids' Day" at the PIU campus. Kids Day is a production of the Principles of Teaching class taught by Christel Wood. It is an opportunity for the students in her class to apply and practice the principles they have learned and serve the community while they are doing it. This has become a much-anticipated annual event and children from several of the Guam churches attended the day which included games, stories, verse memorization, singing and, of course, snacks. The theme of this year's program was "The Reason for the Season." From what I saw and heard, it was a great day, enjoyed by the PIU students and the children. PIU student Leeman Sebastian said, "I wanted to keep singing but I know the kids are tired already. I had the greatest time ever leading them in singing. Great times and memories to remember. Hope they were blessed and learned a lot from us. So they can grow up and be blessed and dream of become like us serving our LORD and Savior... Good job to my classmates in Principles of teaching class."
Friendly smiling PIU students take care of welcome, registration and sign-up.
Esther teaches the kids a memory verse.
Followed by a contest to see who can get put the scrambled words to the memory verse in the proper order
Daisy puts full effort into the Bible story.
Charles has the full attention of the kids as he makes an important theological point.
Lisa Collins (PIU librarian) and Christel Wood. Every year we get feedback that Principles of Teaching is one of the best classes we offer in our curriculum. Thank you Christel!
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