My life “Mission Verse” is Ezra 7.10, I believe God has given me a ministry of teaching the Bible wherever I go, in a way that relates it to the people around me, whoever they are. So I will share here what is going in my head, my life, my family, my challenges, my trials, my heart etc. I’ll try my best to do it openly and honestly and to share what God is saying to me through his word and all the other things in my life without holding anything back.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Preaching Conference at PIU
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving from Dave and Joyce
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Football in North Carolina
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
TRACS Conference 2010

This year's conference was held at the Grandover Hotel (pictured) in Greensboro, North Carolina. I enjoyed the opportunity to interact with the presidents and other administrators from other Christian colleges and seminaries with similar problems and opportunities to what we have. The seminars are also helpful. This year I especially enjoyed seminars on helping students with credit transfer issues and teacher training and development. And yes, the desserts they served were amazing again.
Monday, November 22, 2010
My Recent US Trip: More Adventures in North and South Carolina
As Steve and I headed down through South Carolina on our way to Columbia International University to recruit English and Bible teachers we stopped off in Rock Hill to see our good friend Mickey Beckham. Mickey serves PIU as a consultant for our Advancement department and helped us set up our Rising Tide Fund program and has worked with us on getting grants and foundation funding. Mickey encouraged Steve and I that the resources we need are out there and that we need to keep asking. We also enjoyed a Southern style meal at the Front Porch Restaurant and always interesting conversation about the history of area. We are hoping Mickey will come out again to Guam and visit us soon.
Later that evening we pulled into the home of Don and Melissa Howell, who graciously host us about this time every year, as we spend a couple days recruiting at CIU. This year we spoke in two of the TEFL classes of professor Joe Letexier there (graduate TEFL class pictured here), and then met at Don and Melissa's house with several interested seminary students. We had several interested in our open positions for teaching facility coordinators/Bible teachers and ESL teachers in Yap, Palau and Chuuk. This year we had more serious discussions with possible teachers than in any of the previous years I have been at CIU. Please pray with us that God will direct these needed teachers to PIU.
Friday, November 19, 2010

- We have had several students make first time commitments to Christ and re-dedications of their lives this semester as a result of our spiritual emphasis retreat (pictured left) and ongoing discipleship ministries. Pray for their growth as they seek God's will in this new direction for their lives.
- As the Spirit moves the enemy also moves. Please pray for strength and discernment for our Student Life team as they deal with some difficult personal and discipline issues in the lives of some of the students.
- Pray for me as I follow up on contacts made on my recent recruiting and fund raising trip. There were many potential teachers, students and donors who are very interested in PIU. We are trusting God to bring in the personnel and financial resources we need. (Let me know if you would like more info on exactly what those needs are)
We are thanking God for a great preaching conference (right) this week with over 70 participants. Please pray for God's blessing on Mark Mitchell, our speaker, as he returns to California and for good results from the relationships that were strengthened and from the teaching. Also pray that we will see some of the participants become students at Pacific Islands Evangelical Seminary.
- This week we will be having our 2 day Thanksgiving break. It will be a nice break before we head back into the last three weeks of school. My seminary class (Survey of Gospels) will start back up next Tuesday and will meet twice a week in December. We will be going through the Gospels of Luke and John paragraph by paragraph.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
More Recent Travels of Dave
Friday, November 12, 2010
Other Things I Did in Texas
After the wedding I stayed in Texas a couple more days. I took Joyce to the airport very early in the morning on Sunday and then headed over to Redeemer Bible Church in Dallas. The VOM performed at Redeemer last summer and the church is one of our Rising Tide supporters. I was able to speak in the morning service for a few minutes about new things happening at PIU and got to meet quite a few people there. We are planning for the church to send a ministry team out to Micronesia in the near future. On Monday morning I headed down to Temple, Texas to speak to the Junior and Senior classes at Central Texas Christian School. From the school sign, you can see that I was not the most famous guest that day! It was fun to interact with the high school kids and several of them were interested to "learn about missions while you are on the mission field."
After driving back to Dallas in the afternoon, I met John and Lisa Tomada and Carissa Ash at the Cafe Brazil. I am hoping that Carissa will be coming out to Guam to teach for us in our seminary when she finishes her doctoral program at Dallas Theological Seminary. After going home and watching the Giants win the World Series (never thought I'd see that in my lifetime, smile) I prepared for my early flight the next morning to Phoenix Arizona. More on that later...