This last two weeks, we have had a short-term missions team from Gateway Bible and Collide churches in Scotts Valley California. Very early this morning Michael, Joyce and I dropped the team members off at the Guam airport for the return flight to California. It is hard to believe the two weeks have gone by so quickly. They have left us with a brand new concrete driveway and entryway into our campus on Guam, a repaired deck around our computer lab, a renovated kitchen in the men's dorm, many other smaller completed projects and personal ministry in the lives of our students, staff and faculty. In addition several seminars in "Orality" were given that blessed our campus, along with the Guam and Palau communities. This is the 3rd year in a row that the team has come out to our islands and there were a lot of "see you next year" goodbyes said at yesterdays 'thank you" fiesta for the team

The team consisted of Jim Bartell, Kerrie Weitzel and John McCabe who were also part of the Yap team in 2009 and 2010. Coming for the first time were Ryan Torchio and Robin, Joanne and Zack Sukow. Jim, Kerrie and Ryan arrived first and got busy on several projects. Robin arrived a couple days later and focused on directing our driveway project. Jim, Kerrie and Ryan taught an orality seminar for PIU students and then, after a week, headed to Palau for a week-long orality seminar for the Palauan Evangelical Church. John flew straight to Palau to join them and to direct the seminars in Palau. The same day Joanne and Zack joined Robin on Guam. Robin worked with our students to get the driveway completed (will post some pictures of this soon) and had some time for other small projects and a little sight-seeing.

Yesterday, Jim, Ryan, Kerrie and John returned to Guam from Palau and, with very little sleep after their all-night flight, led an orality seminar for the Guam church community in the afternoon on the PIU campus. After the seminar the whole campus celebrated with a fiesta to thank the team for their contribution to our campus and ministries. We ended the evening by attending the PIU Tide's first basketball win in the Guam Business League. Robin and Joanne missed the afternoon festivities because she broke her wrist in a snorkeling mishap. (They are not in the picture above because they were at the ER at Guam Memorial Hospital.) The doctors were able to fix her up enough for her to travel on to Hawaii today to get further treatment there.

Our thanks go out to the "Santa Cruz team" members. We also are very thankful for the financial and prayer support provided by the people at Gateway and Collide that enabled them, not only to come, but to provide finances for materials for the projects. We are very blessed to be partners with you in doing God's kingdom work in Micronesia!
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