Last weekend (October 20-22) Pacific Islands Evangelical Seminary presented its 2nd annual Preaching Conference at the Guam Reef Hotel. The theme of the conference was “Preaching for a Change
in Micronesia.” Our featured speaker was Dr. Kent Edwards, Professor of Preaching & Leadership and the Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Talbot School of Theology / BIOLA University and past president of the Evangelical Homiletics Society.
The theme of the first night of the conference was “Why Preach?” With the beautiful view of the Guam coastline all around us as we sat at the “Top of the Reef,” Kent encouraged and motivated the attendees, representing most of the ethnic groups that live on Guam, to be diligent in preaching the Word. I think everyone was “fired up” for the rest of the conference when they went home that evening. Several of our PIU faculty, staff and students also attended the conference. More in the next post!
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