Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Student Council Chapel

2013-08-30 11.17.03 The 2nd week of the semester began today and that means we made it though week 1.2013-08-30 11.27.27 Registration, and late registration is done so we can settle into the business of educating and mentoring young people. One important part of the leadership team is student leadership and that includes the Student Council. Friday was Student Council chapel in which the StuCo introduced themselves to the students, especially the new ones, and explained their goals and plans for the new semester. I think we have a good group of student leaders and I look forward to working with them. On the left Student Council President Scott Refilong (with the guitar) and the rest of the StuCo lead the students in a song. On the right, recreation director Ransome Esah talks about his plans for 2013-14 activities.

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