After my time in Dallas I flew up to Kansas City for a Bible conference with a group of Palauans in Junction City Kansas. Old friend and Emmaus alumni Alister Joseph picked me up at the airport and graciously waited with (we had dinner at Appleby’s while we waited) me
for over an hour as my luggage did not arrive on my flight. After dinner we drove through cold wind and rain for two hours to Junction City. The inauspicious start though was a not an indicator of how the rest of the weekend went. There were 50-60 Palauans there for the two day conference and we had a great time of fellowship, eating, reminiscing about the good old days in Palau and worship. The Palauan group were amazing hosts and great students. I very much enjoyed the many ministry, biblical, and theological discussions we had. Several of the group expressed interest in an on-line PIU course. And, of course, I did my best to let the young people know about the opportunities for education on the Guam campus of PIU. They especially enjoyed the backpacks.
I got to spend time with a lot of old friends and met some new ones. I saw several of my old students from Emmaus High School and Pacific Islands University.
I taught on reading the Bible in its bigger context. On the right one of my younger students, not only drew up her version of my power point slides, but even drew a portrait of me as I taught
And there was good food.
There was more good Palauan food at dinner/worship on Saturday night
On Sunday we worshipped and celebrated communion together. What a great weekend! Thank you Palauan groups from Junction City, Houston, Missouri, and Denver for everything!
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