Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Easter at the Owen’s

SAMSUNGAfter church Sunday the two Owen families on Guam joined together at our house to celebrate Resurrection Sunday with feasting and games. We were joined by Howard and Kathy Merrell who are staying at our house and Jordan and Hicknerson who are staying at Mike and Sam’s house. We enjoyed a late afternoon Sunday dinner and then the kids enjoyed an Easter egg hunt in the backyard. After we enjoyed ice cream (the candy in the Easter eggs wasn’t enough) and coffee for dessert. This was a day the Lord had made and we rejoiced and were glad in it!

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Serenity enjoyed the baby ducks they received for Easter. Their house is a zoo with dogs, cockatiel, rabbit, cat and now ducks

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Hicknerson and Jordan hid the eggs

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The kids worked hard to find them


We all enjoyed eating them

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