Friday, March 09, 2018

PET Scan Update

28238879_10156230183234312_4537359472903167754_oThis is the latest prayer letter from us…

Dear Prayer Partners

Today was the big day: We got the results of my PET scan from our doctor at Stanford. The result was mostly good, but mixed. The areas that were treated with chemo were all clear. There were two small areas in my pelvis that were lit up in the scan. The doctor thinks recurrence of lymphoma is unlikely. It could be a false positive or minor infection but he wants to be sure. So we will have another scan the last week of April. So we'll wait and pray a little more.

We also saw a lymphedema specialist last week. His diagnosis was that my edema is chronic but manageable. He prescribed some pressure garments and physical therapy. There are a few other treatments they will try and we will see what works. We would appreciate your prayers for this too.

So it looks like our lives and plans are still somewhat up in the air. We are getting used to that. On the positive side I seem to be improving health-wise every day. I am working on being more active and hope to get out and about more. We continue to pray for direction as we move forward. We don't like to wait, but we trust the Father who is taking us down this road. We do appreciate you coming down the road with us as you partner with us in prayer, care and being there.

Thank you and God Bless

Dave and Joyce

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