Wednesday, July 11, 2018

We’re Moved In


13081305We are all moved in now to the apartment on the bottom floor of my parents’ house. We started moving our stuff on Saturday and Joyce moved in the last of our stuff last  night. The team from Gold Country Baptist (left) moved our heavy furniture in on Monday night. We appreciated that very much. We slept there for the first time Monday night after moving over several van loads of the smaller stuff. I was exhausted and I did less than a tenth of what Joyce did. We both slept well last night. Then Monday night we had our first guests (right). Joyce’s mom and dad are moving into a retirement home in the area and spent the night with us last night while waiting for their furniture. Thank you to everyone who helped us move. We appreciate it very much. If you are in our area in the next few months please come by and visit us. We anticipate being here 5-6 months and then God only knows were we will end up. <smiling>!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Praying for this season that you BOTH would be encouraged by His strength~~

Love, Jim and Erin Seymour