Thursday, October 25, 2018

Friends, Family and Places We Have Seen in October


We spent a few days in Santa Cruz. This is the (former) natural bridge. Joyce and I took our pictures here for our wedding invitations back in 1979. Back then the bridge was still intact. We must be old!

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While in Santa Cruz we spent time seeing the sights with Joyce’s sister Janet and bro-in-law Paul. (left) We went to church at Gateway where we saw old friends Janet and Naomi (center) and Jo Romaniello (right).


Family at the hospital during my dad’s surgery (left), With the Caskey family, friends from Guam. Well we knew Jeremy and Adina on Guam. The kids came later and we were meeting them for the 1st time. (center), Jim and Tracy Course, I have known Jim since kindergarten days (right)


And of course there was computer chat time with granddaughters Courage and Arie

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