Last weekend we had the opportunity to spend some extended time with Joyce's family (pictured above). Joyce's sisters came over. Janet and Paul flew in from Texas and Judy drove down from Redding (we missed Wayne, her husband). Joyce's mom and dad now live in Gold Country Retirement Center so were able to all be together for a whole weekend, which is a rare experience. It was great to be able to sit and talk and enjoy one another's company. Gotta enjoy those blessings.

Many of you know that Joyce has been helping her dad take care of her mom who is suffering from advanced dementia. She goes over there several times a week to help and takes her to "senior day care" a couple times per week. Part of the purpose for us getting together was discussing the need for hospice care. Paul is a hospice chaplain and had some good advice for us. We were able to help Joyce's dad with a new computer. Janet and Paul also brought an interactive electronic picture frame that allows us to upload pictures by email. It was fun to upload old and new pictures to the device and watch them pop up on the screen (right). They also help Joyce's mom and dad stay connected to their grand-kids and great grand-kids.
Here are a couple old but good pictures we uploaded to the device...
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