This summer I was scheduled to teach the Exegesis in Wisdom Literature Course. This is a 400 level course designed to test if a student has really met the objectives of our Bible program. Thus, it is a pretty tough course with a lot of work to be done. Perhaps this is why no program students signed up for it. We had several audit students sign up, but no one was required to do the work. This is why we have decided to change the course into a Bible study. The study will meet on Monday nights this summer from 7:00-9:00 PM. Each week we will be going through a passage in Proverbs, Ecclesiastes or Song of Solomon showing the "nuts and bolts" of the passage. We will talk about how one goes about understanding a passage in wisdom literature, understanding the poetic structure, interpreting the metaphors and other figures of speech, developing a word study methodology and analyzing the pieces of OT Wisdom Literature. Then we will put each passage back together to determine theological principles that can be derived from the passage, pull out its teaching points and discuss how it can be applied in our lives today. You can work through the passages together with the other students on the PIBC distance learning site during the week or just show up and see what we do in the class. There is no charge for the Bible study and you can come every Monday or show up when you are able. Of course we are hoping that people will enjoy the study and sign up for a PIBC or Pacific Islands Evangelical Seminary class. Come join us this Monday at 7:00 PM as we look at Proverbs 1-2.
1 comment:
Dear Dave,
How do I get into the Bible Study Materials for Wisdom?
Thanks so much for teaching this.
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