Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Island Tour with the Kecklers

We were so busy with the PIU teacher training and Story Crafting Conference that we did not get to take the Kecklers on a tour around the southern end of Guam until the next to last day that they were here. Joyce performed tour guide duties on Sunday after church and gave Sam, Maria and Rachelle the tour of some of the prettiest sites on Guam. Here is a picture of their lovely tour guide. Full disclosure: I stayed home and took a nap all afternoon. Here are a few more pictures of the Sunday drive around the southern end of Guam.

Sam was able to get up close and personal with a caribao

The Ceti Bay overlook is my favorite scenic spot on Guam. We ALWAYS take a picture of our visitors right there. So picture yourself there and come visit us!

Two other popular stops are Fort Soledad (the “Magellan landing site”) the shrine to Our Lady of Camalin (Her “landing site” as well).

The caribao at Fort Soledad recently had a calf

Guam is a beautiful and colorful place

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