Thursday, March 22, 2012

In San Diego CA

After the weekend in Portland I flew down to San Diego to spend a couple days with Matt, Kristin and Milo and meet with some people interested to come out to PIU and work with us on Guam. In between meetings I had a great time playing football, basketball, soccer and wii with my grandson Milo. Matt drove me around to appointments so I had a lot of good time to talk with him. I also was able to interview 3 more possible faculty members, a possible dean of men and an administrator. I would appreciate your prayers that God would guide the people we need to PIU and provide the resources for us to pay them or for them to be able to raise support to come. We have a lot of opportunities!

On Monday Sam and Maria Keckler organized a dinner at their home for people interested in the ministry at PIU. Sam and Maria, and Rachelle Heverly came out for our Story Crafting Conference in February and continue to spread the word about PIU and what God is doing in Micronesia. It was good to see them and to meet some more of their friends. We may have another teacher for our summer program and we are praying as several people consider coming out to PIU for longer term ministry.

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