Last Thursday night the board invited students, alumni, staff and faculty to join them for dinner. They generously provided the funds for the chicken, ribs, potato salad etc. and we enjoyed a good night of fellowship together. I know the board members enjoyed the evening.
We appreciate the hard work the board does for the school and they enjoyed seeing some of the “fruit” of that labor as they had a chance to meet and get to know our alumni and students and find out what they are doing. They also had the opportunity to “shoot some hoops” with the guys. Here are a few pictures of the event. Most of the pictures, especially the good ones, were taken by Billy Edwin and posted on the PIU alumni page.
The food was great.
On the left board chairman Howard Merrell and PIU Bible teacher Iotaka Choram discuss some deep issues. On the right Joyce does some damage to a piece of chicken
It was a beautiful evening for a barbecue
Left: Food lineup, Right: “Grandpa Steve” Bradley, John Aitaro and Delight Suda
No PIU event is complete without some singing
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