One of the purposes of the recently completed “PIU Days” is to remember and celebrate the faithfulness of God in the past to PIU and all the people associated with the school and its ministries. Thus, one of the highlights of the celebration was the “PIU History Rap” written by Mike Owen, Josh Ladd and Mayson Red. The song traces how the school developed under each of its three presidents from MIBS days to the present as PIU. The song is performed by Mayson, Josh and Mike with Jesse Hartt on drums. I wish the sound was better but I recorded right under one of the speakers with my phone.
My life “Mission Verse” is Ezra 7.10, I believe God has given me a ministry of teaching the Bible wherever I go, in a way that relates it to the people around me, whoever they are. So I will share here what is going in my head, my life, my family, my challenges, my trials, my heart etc. I’ll try my best to do it openly and honestly and to share what God is saying to me through his word and all the other things in my life without holding anything back.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Sunday, March 24, 2013
PIU Days 2013 #3–Team Love (αγαπη)
PIU Days came to a close Sunday evening with the program by Team Love.
Every year it seems the programs get better each night as each team works hard to top what they saw from the previous teams. This year was no exception, as Team Love put on an amazing performance
that came with a real spiritual impact. I also appreciated how they included the other teams and the history of PIU Days in their program. Come on, what else would Team Love do? By the way, here are the final Standings for the teams for PIU Days 2013.
- Team Faith 200+ points
- Team Courage 179 points
- Team Love 170 points
The final volleyball and basketball games pitted Team Faith against Team Courage. Faith won the victory in both.
I would have to say that Team Love made a very spectacular entrance led by the lithe and nimble dancer, Ransome Esah
The group dance had several interesting moves
Davy Welle was the master of ceremonies and Steve Bradley opened with prayer
The team did a couple worship and action songs. On the left they are making the “V” for “LOVE”
Meanwhile, the Owen kids were keeping busy
The skits were sort of an adaptation of the Good Samaritan as they presented several vignettes of people who thought they were loving others but really weren’t. Percy played the person who demonstrated real love through his actions.
As usual the singing was amazing and featured several songs written by the students specially for this event.
Mayson shared an original poem about the love of Christ while our speaker John Tomada (A PIU and Dallas Seminary grad) was our main speaker. His main point was that “Real Love is Patient.” I needed to hear that. I also got the “PIU History Rap” on video and will be putting that up in the next post.
PIU Days 2013–Team Courage
After the field events we took a short break and then headed back to campus for some volleyball and basketball games and then the evening program, led by Team Courage. Team Courage’s program began with a spectacular dance routine by Michael Atoigue (front and center in the picture), the 7 year old son of our operations manager Celia Atoigue, which I did not get on video. It was another great evening of song, skits, fun and worship. Good job Team Courage! This was my team for the event so I dressed in yellow and danced, well just a little bit.
The Ladies’ volleyball game featured Team Faith versus Team Agape
The basketball game featured the same two teams. Yesterday Samantha got a picture of Mike making a 3 pointer. In this game I got a picture of Mike air-balling one.
As the games were being played extensive decorating and practice for the program were also happening. Team Courage decked the chapel with yellow and blue.
The opening song and dance number was electric
The skit portrayed life at PIU. Daisy Murdock portrayed her muscular roommate Sarah Brubaker in the skit.
Matthew and Scott sang a duet followed by a worship dance from the whole team
The faculty children did the Bible reading
PIU alum John Aitaro was the evening’s speaker and he challenged the students to “stand firm” right now as college students by “doing the right thing” Strangely, this year, all of our PIU Days speakers are named John, so we have 1st, 2nd and 3rd John as speakers this year.
All the teams were honored on the wall of the program stage and all the teams joined Josh and Peter in thanking Greg Calvo and family for the outstanding gourmet hot dogs they served to us. Hot dogs wrapped in bacon!!!!!
PIU Days #2–Field Events
Saturday is always the longest day of the PIU Days celebration.
We began the day at 9 AM at the Bayview Church athletic field for the “field day” events. These events included everything from “breakfast scarf and barf” games to egg tosses to more usual field events like races, tug-o-war and soccer. We had a beautiful day for the events and, as always at Bayview, the view was spectacular and everyone enjoyed the events. The evening events included basketball and the Courage program over at the campus, but since I have so many pictures, I will put the evening events in the next post.
The staff kids had a great time playing outside
The guys and girls three-way soccer game was hard fought
The staff kids, parents and grandparents soccer game was less hard fought. I think Josh managed to take my picture at the very moment I popped my knee trying my famous Miradona move.
The staff kids race was pretty competitive. I am not sure if Serenity was upset that she lost or that she fell
The spectators enjoyed the spectacle and student body president Davy Welle kept things moving with his announcements
Things got serious with the women’s 100 yard dash
And with the guys
The Eating relay always creates some great photo opportunities
One of my favorite activities – lunch from Jamaican Grill
After lunch we ran the relay races
The egg-toss is always a favorite event
The tug-o-war provided the finale for the field events. Yes that is Titus joining the men’s team and helping them to victory