Tuesday was Bible translation chapel day at PIU.
After some worship in music and prayer, PIU faculty member and Isles of the Sea missionary Peter Knapp talked with the PIU family about the importance of Bible translation and the tremendous need worldwide, and especially in our region, for Bible translators. This is why PIU has an emphasis in Bible translation as one option in our Biblical Studies program. In addition, students with the needed language skills can perform their required three hours of community service working with the Wycliffe missionaries on some of the translation work being done on campus. My dream is that biblically and theologically trained PIU graduates from the various islands would be the main translators for new island translations and for the needed updates and revisions of the local translations we already have. Peter showed us the recently completed Kapingli translation which is the 2nd smallest language group to have a whole Bible translation.
Here is a picture of Peter and I with Nico Daams, taken in April, when he brought by the newly published Kapingli translation of the whole Bible.
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