Michael, Samantha and Titus have returned to Palau and preparation meetings for the Spring semester will begin on Monday. The semester starts on January 22. I will be teaching one class - Wisdom Literature - by a combination of intensive classroom discussion and distance education. Here are a few of my goals for the upcoming semester. I'd appreciate your prayers that God would work through me as I work to accomplish them.
- Complete the first PIBC distance education class that will simultaneously serve all the PIBC sites. (Last semester's DE class was limited to Guam and Palau.) This will also include the setting up and running of an online PIBC "ministry and theology" chat community that will serve PIBC students and staff and pastors and church workers in Micronesia.
- Complete a comprehensive fund raising proposal for PIBC board approval. This should then be implemented during the Summer of 2007. Our long term goal is to find 500 people or individuals who will support the annual budget of PIBC at $1000 or more per year. The main purpose of this would be to enable PIBC to hire qualified local teachers and fill other positions that missionaries usually cannot fill.
- Produce a new PIBC video and other attractive, up-to-date, promotional materials. I hope to have these ready for this summer's furlough.
- Complete a full curriculum revision for the 2007-8 catalog. This will include the addition of "minor strands" to our Bible program which will better prepare each student for their particular area of ministry. They would include pastoral ministries, missions, Christian ed, elementary ed, pre-seminary, teaching English as a second language etc.
- Visit all our supporting churches and as many interested individuals this summer as possible. We need to bring in some new ministry partners to our prayer and financial
support team. If you would like to have Joyce and I in your church, Bible study, missions group etc to talk about Micronesia and PIBC, please email me and we can arrange it.
Of course, I include a couple more family pictures.... Titus and I watching the NFL playoff game and Missy and Michael with their Guam shirts.
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