Yap mission team shared about their experience on their Christmas vacation mission trip during chapel last week. Stella shared how God provided for her financially to go on the trip. Mac shared how his little brother and several cousins came to know the Lord while the team was doing ministry there. (This paragraph and picture was borrowed from our Dean of Women, Melissa Heck’s blog
Mission trips are a valuable learning experience and ministry opportunity which we at PIBC would like to share with our prayer partners, financial supporters and other friends. This summer we will be leading two mission trips to the Marshall Islands and to Thailand. We invite young adults (preferably in the 18-25 year old range) from our partner churches, schools and mission groups to be part of our summer mission teams.
The Marshall Islands Mission Team will be working with Rev. Enja Enos, pastor of the Rita Congregational Church in Majuro and a former Tol PIBC Campus Director, and Josen Teico, 2006 PIBC graduate. The focus will be participation in children’s and youth ministry as well as general church work. This team will leave from Chuuk after the Tol PIBC graduation on
May 19, 2007, and will return approximately two weeks later during the first week of June.
The cost for the trip is approximately $1,500. This includes airfare, housing, and food
The Thailand mission trips consists of three teams. Team number one is an evangelistic team in an area of Northeast Thailand called Chiang Rai, where we would be joining a team of four Thai Campus Crusade for Christ staff, at an English-speaking international university sharing the gospel with students from all over Southeast Asia and China in particular.
The second team is a music team in the capital city of Bangkok, where we would be joining other Thai Campus Crusade for Christ staff to try and open a new ministry on a university campus that has been difficult to reach. Music ministry would be used to create opportunities and make bridges to share the gospel.
The third team is a Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) team somewhere in Thailand. This team would use TESL in a setting designed to create opportunities and make bridges to share the gospel. We need to know how many PIBC students are interested in joining this team before moving ahead with making detailed arrangements. This team is open only to those students who have recommendation from TESL faculty.
All three teams would meet in Guam for training on July 19, leaving for Thailand together with their team leaders the following week, and be in Thailand for about three weeks, returning to Guam around August 15. The work is very demanding, and the teams are limited only to those who are seriously committed and want to work hard during the trip. Below please mark which of the trips for which you wish to be considered. The cost for the trip is approximately $1,500. This includes airfare, housing, and food.
If you would like more information send me an email at dowen@pibc.edu
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