This year my birthday fell on Super Bowl Monday. The Boydstons, Steve and Jason Stinnette, Melissa Heck and Hiob Ngirachmoi came over to watch the game and eat birthday cake with me. (Joyce had to work - we will celebrate tonight with an evening out for dinner.) The game was exciting with 4 turnovers , 3 touchdowns and 2 power outages in the 1st quarter. We missed the first 5 1/2 minutes of the game waiting for the power to come on and were thankful when everything came back on so we could watch the rest of the game. We were pretty evenly divided between Colts and Bears fans. Melissa and I ate most of the triple chocolate birthday cake that Joyce made for me and Steve ate most of the hot wings. It was nice to take some time off to relax and have a little fun. So much of the island finds some kind of excuse not to work and watch the game, that Super Bowl Monday has become pretty much an unofficial island holiday. Joyce and I will be getting ready for our trip to Palau on Friday. I will go to Palau and Yap the next two weeks to teach my Wisdom Lit class there. She is going to Palau for the weekend to see Titus. I am sure we will have pictures to post of that trip soon.
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