My life “Mission Verse” is Ezra 7.10, I believe God has given me a ministry of teaching the Bible wherever I go, in a way that relates it to the people around me, whoever they are. So I will share here what is going in my head, my life, my family, my challenges, my trials, my heart etc. I’ll try my best to do it openly and honestly and to share what God is saying to me through his word and all the other things in my life without holding anything back.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Back on Guam for a couple Days
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Video of Titus
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
A Week in Yap
My wisdom literature class has been fun. We have a mostly young group of students including three high school girls who plan to come to the
and have lunch with Jonathan Tamag, a 2006 graduate of PIBC Guam. (See pictured with me and missionary
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Leaving Palau – On to Yap

I then boarded a 1:15 AM flight to from I am also looking forward to meeting with our Yapese PIBC alumni. Here is my view from the mission guest apartment.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Joyce went on an outing with the seniors at Emmaus High School, led by Michael and Samantha to see the stone monoliths on Babeldaop. There are only two seniors in the class so it was pretty much a family outing. Though Babeldaop is much moe developed now than when we lived in Palau there are still some wide open spaces. Joyce made it back just in time for the PIBC Valentine’s Day banquet.
We ended our busy Saturday with the banquet. I got a chance to speak about a biblical view of marriage based on Genesis 2 and the Song of Songs and a little later to share my vision for the future of PIBC. It was also exciting to hear the testimonies of the Palau TF students and the Palauan graduates of the old Micronesian Institute of Biblical Studies about how PIBC has impacted their lives. It was also good to see old friends and of course, there was a lot of good food – and chocolate cake!