Thank you everyone who prayed for our admin meeting this past week. We held it from 10 AM Monday until 6 PM Tuesday and I think it went well. Yosta Lodge, our Chuuk campus director, came up on the 2-4 AM flight on Monday morning but still managed to stay awake through the meetings (we all struggled with that at some point). One of the critical issues we discussed was the needs of the Chuuk campus (pictured). This Fall, we have been running the campus (65 students) with only three full time faculty members, none of which are English teachers. Our maintenance guy there is a German volunteer who is leaving this month. We have critical needs for new Bible and English faculty members and a maintenance supervisor. Please also pray with us about internet access for the campus in Chuuk. We were promised wireless 64K access in September and it has not happened yet.

The Guam campus also has critical issues. This year we have 107 students on the campus. We are beginning to look at our 3 1/2 acre property and wonder if it is adequate for anticipated growth. We have thought about trying to buy the property next to us and about trying to find a completely different location. We are also in urgent need for more classroom space and a building which can function as a large meeting area, chapel, and church. We have a cafeteria building but have run out of money (things always seem to cost more than you budget for) for buying all the appliances needed to get it to function. The quad in the picture was donated by Gold Country Baptist Church to be used as our maintenance vehicle - Thank you! It is so exciting to see and hear the great things that God is doing in the lives of our students and we want to make our campuses better places to train them to serve their nations, islands and churches.

We continue to look for partners who will help us build servant leaders for the Pacific Rim. We are looking for new teachers and staff members. We are looking for financial partners who will help us pay for the projects needed to continue to provide high quality training to our students. We are also looking for individuals and organizations who will join with Liebenzell Mission and the island churches to lead and guide PIBC to fulfill its mission. Please pray for God's direction and ask him how He might guide you to be part of Pacific Islands Bible College. Please send me an email if you would like more information about PIBC or how you can be part of it.
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