We had a busy first weekend of December here on Guam. On Friday, Tim and Melody Plaxton moved over to their new house. They had been staying with us, and with various other faculty members, all semester and I think were more than ready to get into their own place. To celebrate they took all of us (Joyce, me and her parents) out to dinner at Shirley's (famous for fried rice). After dinner we went to Tumon hotel row to see the Christmas lights. We couldn't really get through to see them because the street was blocked off for a big dance contest. Since I don't dance well, Joyce suggested that we head to K-Mart for some Christmas shopping. We got our Christmas cards done there and I looked at some potential toy purchases for Titus but didn't find anything that met the standard. We are planning to put up our Christmas decorations later this week.

On Saturday morning the island church league basketball playoffs began. We drew Harvest Baptist as our 1st round opponent. They had beaten us pretty badly earlier.

Our guys did a good job of hanging in there with them but a 21-4 run by Harvest at the end of the 1st half put us in a hole we could never get out of and we lost by 13. Even though this eliminated us from the tournament we still had a good season. It was great for the guys and our loyal fans to get away from the campus and hang around with people from other churches. The players and fans of all the teams should be commended for good attitudes and I think good fellowship was had by all. Sadly, that can't always be said about church leagues.

In the afternoon we had a game day and barbeque on the campus. Our students invited students from the other island colleges to come over and enjoy games and food with us.

It was great to see that many accepted our invitation and enjoyed the afternoon with us. We are hoping to see our students doing evangelism through building relationships instead of just relying on programmatic and "hit and run" witnessing.

And, yes I did get out on the basketball court with the students. I did not get back on defense or get out on the break very well, but I did hit a couple 3's. I wonder did they leave me open on purpose?

Sunday we went to Agana Heights Baptist Church. My father-in-law preached on faith in the morning service from Hebrews 11.1-16 and from the example of Mary the mother of Jesus. I preached in the evening service on love and unity from Ephesians 2.11-22. We enjoyed the time there and It was a good time for me to see many people I have not seen in some time. On the way home in the evening we stopped by the store to pick up some snacks for our PIBC administration meeting today. I would appreciate your prayers for the meeting (which starts in a little less than an hour) that God will give us wisdom and direction as we lead the school.
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