Today seems to be a day of good news and answered prayer. When I got up this morning there was a notice in my email that the visa request for Jens and Karin Schulz, our CFO/Guam Campus Director and Registrar, was approved. Jens and Karin had to leave Guam before Christmas when their religious worker visas were revoked. We have been operating very short handed without them, while hoping and praying that they would be able to come back as soon as possible. Now they need to complete the paperwork in Germany and we should have them back within the next month. We also heard good news from
Steve and Anne Stinnette that his eye is healing in a way that borders on the miraculous. It may be that we will have our administrative group back completely intact sooner than we expected. This is good because we will need all our people since the LORD may be moving us toward a major expansion into Hawaii and Tonga. We will be working with some partners in Hawaii this month on a project that would add these two sites to the PIBC family and also would add a full seminary program to our curriculum. We hope to work out all the details and have a proposal to present to our accreditors by the middle of next month. If all works out these sites and programs would be up and running by this coming Fall. It is easy to

look at this and say "No Way! Too Much" but we already see God bringing in the people and resources to accomplish this. Please pray with us that we will have clear direction and wisdom as plan for this next step in our PIBC adventure.
One other comment on the good day/week. One cool thing about PIBC is being able to go to chapel. I had the opportunity to share with the students on Tuesday and 4 times per week staff, faculty and students get to fellowship with preaching, music, etc. We get everything from classic homiletics, fiery exhortation, funny skits to, as we got today from
Ned Farnsworth a sermon that included a super hero short and a Broadway type musical number. It is really a blessing to be able to worship together more than once a week.