When most people see the title above they think "vacation," but I will be headed to Hawaii tomorrow (Wednesday Guam time) to do some work. I will be there until Saturday meeting with a group of people who are interested in Christian education in the Pacific Islands. We are going to talk to see if God is leading us to pursue partnership in the work in the islands. One of the possibilities is that they would fund a PIBC teaching facility in Hawaii. We will also be talking about other islands like Tonga and Fiji. Sometimes I think I have a pretty big vision of what God is calling us to do out here and then God expands it. We will see if this is one of those times. I would appreciate your prayers for wisdom and discernment of God's will over the next few days.

Joyce's parents are still here on Guam to keep her company while I am gone. Yesterday, Dale, Joyce's dad, extended the concrete floor of our laundry room on our house. I think they will be putting up the concrete block wall to replace the wooden one the termites ate while I am in Hawaii. In the picture Rob Watt, our Palau Teaching Facility coordinator who was staying with us on his way through back to Palau, is helping Dale with the job. The picture below is proof that we didn't make Rob work all the time. We agreed to not tally the final score so we both enjoyed our 18 holes. Christian and Eric Sorenson were also part of our foursome.
I am working on getting two classes ready for the start of the semester on January 21. One will be a distance education class which will take place in Guam, Palau and Chuuk. So I am expecting to travel a lot more than normal for a spring semester. We will also be working on preparing our self study for reaffirmation of our accreditation. It should be another fun and interesting semester.

By the way, my son
Michael is now blogging. He has some big news to share in his first posts that also us makes us very happy and proud. With lots of meaningful work to do and a growing family, we are blessed people!
Hi Dave,
I pretty excited about what you are talking about there, well, it is always our prayer that the ministry of PIBC would expand to rest of the pacific islands such as those you mentioned.We are looking forward to see the Lord's leading throughout all these.
I pray that everything would go smooth as you meet those people in Hawaii.
We always stand by PIBC where the Lord's has prepared me to face the reality.
Thank you I will post an update on my trip soon.
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