Chuuk: I will be heading to Chuuk on Wednesday morning. I plan to meet with Chuuk DOE people to continue planning to implement our program for their teachers to get AA degrees. I will also be talking with the students on Tol and Weno about how the changes we are making there will effect them. We are going to need to figure out a way to accommodate more of them on our Guam campus next Fall. Oh yea, and I will be teaching the final three sessions of the Exegesis in Genesis course.
My life “Mission Verse” is Ezra 7.10, I believe God has given me a ministry of teaching the Bible wherever I go, in a way that relates it to the people around me, whoever they are. So I will share here what is going in my head, my life, my family, my challenges, my trials, my heart etc. I’ll try my best to do it openly and honestly and to share what God is saying to me through his word and all the other things in my life without holding anything back.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Updates and Other Stuff
Earthquake Update: We have had a few little rumblers and shakers following the 5.4 quake we had a couple days ago. Friday morning I got a pretty good shake a little before my class session on 1st John. As far as I know there was no significant damage on the island. The water heater at our house has a leak now, but I am not sure how much effect the quake had on that.
Chuuk: I will be heading to Chuuk on Wednesday morning. I plan to meet with Chuuk DOE people to continue planning to implement our program for their teachers to get AA degrees. I will also be talking with the students on Tol and Weno about how the changes we are making there will effect them. We are going to need to figure out a way to accommodate more of them on our Guam campus next Fall. Oh yea, and I will be teaching the final three sessions of the Exegesis in Genesis course.
Today is our daughter Melissa's 23rd birthday. It is hard to believe that it was that long ago when we came up to Guam from Palau for her to be born. We are looking forward to meeting her in LA when we are there this summer to see our new granddaughter born. Here are a couple old pictures of Melissa and our family from about 1996. Happy Birthday Missy!
Chuuk: I will be heading to Chuuk on Wednesday morning. I plan to meet with Chuuk DOE people to continue planning to implement our program for their teachers to get AA degrees. I will also be talking with the students on Tol and Weno about how the changes we are making there will effect them. We are going to need to figure out a way to accommodate more of them on our Guam campus next Fall. Oh yea, and I will be teaching the final three sessions of the Exegesis in Genesis course.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
More Guam and PIBC Stuff
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Easter
Friday, March 21, 2008
Work Day for Missions

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Master's Degree Program
We plan to begin the Masters program on Guam this Fall with 10 students. We have already had several requests for applications from PIBC alumni, local Guam pastors and potential students from Burma, China, Philippines, Viet Nam and several other Asian countries. We believe this is a very important step in our mission to prepare servant leadership for Micronesia and the Pacific Rim. Please pray for us that we will be able to have the program accredited for this Fall and that we would be sensitive to God's direction for our expansion plans in Hawaii. Please also pray for potential students because, even though we will charge the same greatly reduced rate tuition as we charge for our bachelor's program, many of them will need financial help to study with us. If you would like to scholarship a needy Micronesian student please email me and I will be happy to give you more details about it.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
PIBC Days Guam
Now we take a week off and get ready to make the run to the finish of the semester and graduation on May 13th.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Random Stuff at PIBC
We are driving the school's red Mitsubishi while our Santa Fe is in the shop. This car was bashed up in 2003 in typhoon Pongsanwa and had to have extensive repairs. Nothing closes tight on it so it makes many interesting noises which you can hear really well because the radio doesn't work either. However, the most annoying thing about the car is that the air conditioner (all this is tolerable because the AC is cold and keeps us cool!) condensation pools somewhere in the console and then leaks ice cold water on to your feet whenever you turn a corner. Depending on which way you turn, either the driver or passenger gets it. Joyce and I call the car the "servant leader" since it is so intent on foot washing.

It really is a blessing to serve God with people you enjoy being with and having work to do that is eternally meaningful.
Friday, March 07, 2008
March Prayer Requests

- PIBC is submitting a substantive change form to add a master's degree program to our curriculum. I am putting the finishing touches on it and it needs to be to our accrediting agency, TRACS by March 20. This will enable us to offer seminary level courses on our Guam campus and better prepare pastors and other church leaders for the islands. Please pray that our application would go through and we could begin this program in Fall 2008. This will also be the first step in developing a teaching facility in Hawaii to reach out to the Micronesians (more in Hawaii than any other place in the world except Chuuk) and other island people there in Honolulu.
- We have submitted an agreement to the Chuuk Department of Education to help bring their public school teachers up to the needed standards. It would involve remedial English classes, providing them access to our Associates degree in Bible and developing a Bachelors degree in education at PIBC. This is a tremendous opportunity to have a biblical influence Chuukese culture for a long time to come.
- Our Yapese students are struggling financially because Yap state is no longer allowing their state money to be used for students who are bible majors. Please pray for God's provision for our Yapese students.
- Please pray for Joyce as she makes some decisions about where she will be doing ministry here next year. She needs to make these decisions soon.
- Please keep me in prayer as I work through all this paperwork for Chuuk, Hawaii, accreditation etc, teach two classes, and lead the school that it will continue to be done in God's power and God's way and that I will be able to be an example of a servant leader.
- We have urgent needs for a couple to run our cafeteria and student store on Guam, a maintenance director and business manager in Chuuk and Bible and English faculty members.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Goodbye Mom and Dad
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Another Student Led Chapel
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