After our 18 hour flight the next morning after graduation we arrived early Wednesday in La Mirada.

We tried to avoid sleeping that day to get used to the time but both Joyce and I took little naps. Joyce has been holding Courage pretty much all the time, but I do get to hold her a little. Titus and I have taken a walk to get coffee every morning since I have been here and we go swimming together every afternoon. I bought him the toddler's basketball hoop that I promised him. He will only shoot the ball when his hands are right above the rim and he can dunk it. This gives him a high shooting percentage and the word "dunk" has been added to his vocabulary. We also enjoyed going with Michael this morning to Titus' gymnastics class. We are enjoying spending time with Mike and Samantha and I think they are enjoying having a little help with the kids. Tomorrow we will help them begin their move to a bigger apartment which is also a little closer to the school. It is not all play as I am trying to take advantage of being in an apartment full of Biola grad students to do a little teacher recruiting.

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