My life “Mission Verse” is Ezra 7.10, I believe God has given me a ministry of teaching the Bible wherever I go, in a way that relates it to the people around me, whoever they are. So I will share here what is going in my head, my life, my family, my challenges, my trials, my heart etc. I’ll try my best to do it openly and honestly and to share what God is saying to me through his word and all the other things in my life without holding anything back.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Interesting Day at Show and Tell
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Owen April-May Prayer Requests
Greetings from sunny Guam where dry season (also known as less-wet season) seems to have finally begun. We are moving toward the end of another school year and getting ready for our reaffirmation of accreditation evaluation visit in a month. We have been feverishly working on manuals, assessment of learning and long range plans. While I would rather be spending time in the classroom I understand the need for someone to do all this stuff to support what is done in the classroom. We are blessed with a great faculty-staff here that pitches in to get this stuff done and at the same time stays engaged with the students to minister to them. I know we are all going to take a very deep breath after the semester’s activities are all over May 21. I am wrapping up my seminary class (OT Survey) with three more Saturday morning sessions to go and then Finals. My Genesis Exegesis students are working hard to get in all their on line work to me by May 8th. Joyce is finishing up her PIBC class work and the PIBC ESL class she is teaching (In the picture she is guest teaching in the elementary ed. class). Her semester at the Japanese school won’t end until the end of May.
Here are some of our prayer requests…
- On May 12th 9 students will graduate. A few of them will be getting married this summer, one the weekend after graduation.
- We are expecting our 3rd grandchild at the end of May – We would appreciate your prayers for Matt and Kristin and the yet unnamed child.
- PIBC got some good publicity as I, and one of our students was interviewed on the local news station show, KUAM News Extra.
- Please pray for students and staff to end the semester well
- We are already getting in some applications for next year. Please pray that our admissions committee will have wisdom to admit the students God wants at PIBC
- With the many changes that have to be implemented for next year – name change is only one – we would appreciate your prayers for the many transitions that need to take place
- We have an urgent need for an experienced CFO and Executive VP – we are losing a good portion of our administrators as missionary terms end.
- Our Thailand Mission team is raising financial and prayer support for their summer mission trip. Here is their web site for more info:
- PIBC is beginning a campaign to raise $500,000 in annual support (mainly to employ needed teachers and staff) and $5.5 million in capital funds (mainly for building an academic building, dorm expansion and staff housing) through private donations and foundation and government grants.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Date Night at Chili's
After dinner we went to a later showing of "State of Play." It was over two hours long but it was so intense that I didn't even notice the time going by. The movie had an intricate plot with a few surprises and kept you into the story with a well-written plot, interesting characters and good acting without the slam bang special effects and gratuitous sex and violence. Russell Crowe and Robin Wright (the Princess Bride and Forrest Gump's Jenny) were very good and even Ben Affleck did some real acting. We had a great time (also hit Ross to pick up some more stuff for the grandkids) and it was nice to get out for a relaxing Saturday evening.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
PIBC Segment on Kuam News Extra
Monday, April 13, 2009
California Trip - Still
Overall I think the trip went well and was very productive. Please pray along with me that God will supply the needed people and resources for PIBC-PIU to accomplish what he is calling us to do.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Palauan Susanville Conference #2

Friday, April 10, 2009
Joyce in California

Susanville Palauan Conference #1
After driving up from Sacramento, I was met in Susanville by Jacob Ngiraiblosch. Jacob was one of my high school students at Emmaus in Koror
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Development Planning Meeting
So last Thursday and Friday, Steve Stinnette (our VP of Advancement) and I met with Mickey near the Sacramento airport to go over the rough draft of his final report. Mickey was very excited about our potential to raise funds from several sources and gave us a plan to do it. Most of our students (from Guam and Micronesia) are from under-served minorities and so we qualify for some types of government grants. We will also be applying for foundation funds. Our most immediate need is to find donors to raise an annual fund that would be mainly for the purpose of paying the faculty and staff we need to maintain and expand programs. Our goals will be to find enough donors to raise up $500,000 per year in annual funds over the next five years. Our capital funds goal will be $5 million over the next five years. I laugh (see Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 17-18) as I write this, thinking about the enormity of the number. But, the need is definitely there, I believe this is what God is calling us to as a school and He is able to do the impossible, and now we have a strategy to do our part in what He is leading us to do.
Thank you, Mickey for your help and we would appreciate your prayers as we move forward with this plan.