The original plan for this last trip to California was that I was going by myself. The plan changed when Joyce found out that her parents had sold their house in Shingle Springs and bought a house up in Redding California. We had enough frequent flyer miles to get her there and seats were open on the flight so we got the tickets and she was in California from March 24 until April 8th. It was perfect timing because the Japanese school on Guam was also on vacation. Most of the time there, she

was at the Shingle Springs house getting everything boxed up for the move. She did get to go up to Redding on the day the Cundalls signed the papers for the house (right) and was able to see it. The picture left is of her in the back yard of the house. I know she got a lot of work done there and she also had the opportunity to speak at the evening service at Gold Country Baptist on Sunday the 29th of March.

I joined her on March 30 and we flew down to LA on April 6th. Between those dates I saw her only a couple days because each of us was pursuing our own business there, but we were able to spend one day together in NorCal. When we got down to LA we met with Kevin Elwell at the Denney's restaurant right next to LAX. Kevin

taught all three of our kids at Trinity and GICA on Guam and was the youth pastor at Yigo Baptist when I was pastor there. He is now the youth pastor at the 1st Baptist Church of West LA. We were excited to hear that he is bringing his youth group to Guam this summer to do a VBS at Bayview. Later that afternoon we got over to Mike and Samantha's place and got to spend some time with the grandkids. Joyce flew back to Guam on the 8th and I flew back the next day. I think it was good for her to get away, but now she is trying to find a way to get back this summer to see Matt and Kristin's new baby and to see Missy in Texas.
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