Last week (March 12-15) Steve Stinnette, our PIU VP of Advancement, and I headed down to Chuuk to meet with potential PIU students and church leaders there. One of our main goals for the trip was beginning the process of establishing a working agreement with the Logan Memorial Church and Mizpah Christian High School to host our Pacific Islands University teaching facility and distance education center. We met with their board on Saturday morning and worked out the basics of what our relationship would look like. I was very happy to see the excitement of church and school leadership to work with us and that we were able to work out the basics for our agreement. We have been sharing the computer lab with Mizpah High School this year and I am happy to see the progress made toward making this a more permanent relationship.

We were also there to recruit students. On Saturday afternoon we gave the PIU entrance test to seven students and then Steve was able to meet with the Mizpah seniors to help them make their college decisions. We were also able to meet with officials from other local high schools. There was enough interest that we will send a PIU representative to Chuuk in April to administer the PIU TOEFL test again.
Probably the best part of the trip was meeting with PIU alumni. Here Steve poses with Steioshy Manuel (Mizpah principal and PIU alum) and Paulynn Benjamin (Mizpah teacher and PIU alum). When I preached at Logan Church on Sunday, I shared the pulpit with PIU alum Dave Souleng. Dave had just returned from a mission trip, sent out by Logan church, to the island of Ulul. We were all blessed to hear what God has been doing through Dave and Bruce Danis on this island and that the church has already raised money to send them back to do more ministry there.
Please keep praying for our teaching facility in Chuuk. We are looking for someone to coordinate PIU activities, teach classes and work with Mizpah and Logan there in Weno. We are also looking forward to continuing to serve the Chuukese people by meeting the need for accredited Christian higher education in Chuuk.
God bless mizpah..
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