Today was the last chapel of the Spring 2011 semester and, as is our custom for as long as I remember, this chapel is set aside as the "senior chapel." Each graduating senior is given an opportunity to address the students, staff and faculty and talk about their experience at PIU, their future plans, give advice to the audience and share how we can pray for them. Most of them were very nervous, but all those that could be there (a few of the off-campus graduates were unable to be there) gave at least a brief speech. It is very encouraging to us to see and hear how God has worked in the lives of the students during the years they have been at PIU. The chapel always ends with a prayer time for the graduates and the upcoming ceremonies. Our graduation will be on campus at 4 PM, Monday May 9th. The baccalaureate will be Sunday the 8th at the Onnuri Church in Mangilao.

Jake James (left) let the other students know that "if I can do this, all of you can." Jeremiah Sound (right) persevered to get his AA degree despite some physical difficulties and I am pleased to see him complete his degree. Both plan to go on to further study.

Peng Li (left) from Harbin China is our first MAR graduate from the PIU PIES Seminary. Gloria Ikea graduated with an AA and plans to continue on to get her BA.

Erten William (left) completed his BA at PIU and plans to be a teacher. Davy Welle talked about how God used discouragement in his life to mature him. He plans to move on from his AA and finish a BA in Biblical Studies at PIU.
Grateful Nokar is one of our valedictorians and asked for prayer that he would be wise in choosing from the many opportunities he now has before him. Our other valedictorian Xuefen Mei was unable to attend the chapel.

Machinta Yos (left) said that she was still unsure what she would do with her BA degree. Javrin Fritz was thankful for how God worked in her life during her short time at PIU.
Joyce shared about how she decided to become a student at PIU 8 years ago and worked toward her BA degree one or two classes per semester. She said that she got a good husband from her first try at college at Biola, but this time she managed to get her degree. She urged everyone to keep studying because you are "never too old to learn." Yes I am pretty proud of her! Quite an accomplishment considering everything else she does.
Melody Plaxton, PIU Academic VP preached about Jesus "first words" in Matthew and Mark, "Repent!" and emphasized that repentance is not just feeling sorry for sin and trying to make ourselves better, but is instead, a turn in the direction of our life toward Jesus and willingness to let him change and empower us.
The chapel ended with the faculty and staff leading a prayer time for the graduates.
1 comment:
The time when you hear a lot of "waiioo".
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