Guest post by PIU Yap Team Student Leader Josh Ladd
Today was a interesting day for our team, but a very good one. Last night as our team was meeting together in the church here, there were several strange noises and loud banging sounds coming from on top of the YEC church. There were also sounds of coughing coming from the back of the church, but nobody was there. As a couple of us stayed back to pray later on the sounds got more intense and it sounded like people were walking around the church quickly outside, but once again there was nobody there. Pretty much, long-story short, we believe that our team has been under a lot of spiritual attack lately from stories like last night as well as some other really weird stuff that has happened to a couple of our team members. So this morning our team met together and shared some of what we have been experiencing. We also talked to Pastor Asael and he came and shared about the seriousness of spiritual warfare here on Yap. Our team then read a bit of scripture together, such as Ephesians 1 and 2, talking about how Christ has been raised and seated above all rule and authority with believers having been raised and seated with Him. We also read Colossians 1 which affirms that Jesus is the creator, sustainer, and reason for all things created - including all powers and spiritual authorities.
After this our team went and did a prayer walk around where both our girls and guys are staying. We also prayed for Pastor Asael's house, the YEC church, and the youth center where the youth retreat and VBS will take place. It was a very special time together and I believe it opened our eyes to a lot of things that we need to be watching for.
Many Christians today are doubtful concerning spirits and demons. All I can say is that both from Scripture and from multiple experiences of missionaries here in the islands it is very clear that there is a kingdom of darkness in opposition to God's Kingdom. It is also very clear however that Jesus has been given complete authority by the Father and no spirit or demon has any power outside of His control. We are so thankful to have King Jesus protecting us and watching over us here in Yap.
Here are some prayer requests for our team today:
1. Now that our eyes have been opened to some of the spiritual attack we are under, please pray that we will be very serious about prayer and reliance upon the Lord in all of our ministry. Pray that we will guard our hearts very carefully.
2. Pray that our team will continue to be protected from division and that the love of Jesus will be shown in every thought and action. Pray that the people here in Yap will see this love in all that we do.
3. Pray for the Bible study that was started yesterday - that more people will continue to come and be involved in God's word. It was awesome to see one of the guys come to Bible study for the first time who is not involved in any youth or church activities. Some of our team has known him for over a year now.
4. Continue to pray that God will bring more local girls for the girls on our team to minister too. He has already been answering our prayers in that area by bringing two new lady friends into our lives which is awesome, but we still desire to see more come.
5. Tonight Jesse Hartt will be leading Bible Study in the village of Tomil. Pray for him as he speaks and that the people will clearly understand and will be grown.
6. Davie Welle will be preaching at 3 services this Sunday (PMF Outer Islander service, Chuukese service, and English service) and I will be preaching at the Colonia Yapese service. Please pray for us as we prepare our messages as well as for the people who will hear the Word of God. Pray for our team as well because we will be doing songs, a skit, and Grace Neth will be doing a testimony. Another thing to pray for concerning the English church service specifically is that some of our friends who we hang out with here will come to the service. Several of them came last week who would not usually come if we were not involved in the service.
I know this is a lot to read and pray for, but there is quite a lot going on right now with our team. God has placed us in several ministries here, and I believe that He is using us to make an impact that Satan is not too happy about. We continue to need your prayers every day and we are soo soo grateful for everyone who is faithfully lifting us up. God bless you all!!