Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Last Friday’s Chapel

  One of the blessings of chapel here at PIU is the excellent messages we get to hear from our faculty and staff, SAMSUNG            besides the great messages we get to here from visitors and local pastors. Friday’s chapel was no exception. Our speaker was the chairman of our Bible department Iotaka Choram. Iotaka has been on the PIU faculty since the mid-90’s and is a pastor in the Evangelical Church of Chuuk. His message Friday focused on the need for love as the SAMSUNG            driving force in all ministry. He used several stories from his ministry experience in Chuuk to illustrate the need for patience and flexibility to be effective as a minister. Often in the islands people only think they are “doing ministry” when they have formally prepared something to share but his point was that the most effective ministry is often done “when you sit and drink coffee” with people and when you are willing to interrupt your preparation for ministry, look around and meet the needs you see. I liked that. We also enjoyed an upbeat music and worship time led by Mike, Kevin and guest drummer JJ. It was a great way to spend an hour.

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