Thursday, June 20, 2013

“Further Up, Further In” Begins


SAMSUNG            SAMSUNGThe first PIU “Further Up, Further In” retreat began last night with 20 high school students, 2 church youth leaders and several PIU students and staff. The purpose of the program is to give the youth a good overview of the big message of scripture, build relationships among churches and their youth, help the youth leaders with discipleship and expose young people to the ministry of PIU. Samantha Owen and Sarah Brubaker have done great work organizing the program and so far it seems that everyone is enjoying it. I am looking forward to teaching an overview of the Old Testament in a few minutes. 39 books in a little over an hour. We will see what we can do! In the pictures here Samantha leads the group in opening get to know you games.


Games were followed by hot dogs, rice, veggies and brownies for dinner


Mike taught a session on how to read your Bible with a “bird’s eye view”


The session included some projects and an entertaining and informative discussion

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